A.1. The teams participating on each tournament agree to the terms described as below. Consent is required in order to participate. By sending in the registration form, the participating team and its supervisors agree to these general terms.
A.2. The organization reserves the right to refuse participation of a team in case the general terms are breached, without being held liable for said refusal.
A.3. If a club competes in the EBRA Championship Series with more than one team, they should have different names or numbers (ex. team Beach 1 and team Beach 2).
The teams must be clearly distinguishable during an event in which they both participate. The scores are not combined. It is not allowed to swap players between these teams during the EBRA Series. If this happens, a disciplinary sanction will follow. -
B.1. Visiting and participating in the event is at one’s own risk, unless the tournament explicitly informs otherwise. If the organization does not provide insurance, participants and visitors are responsible for their own insurance during the event.
B.2. The organization cannot be held accountable for theft or damage to people participating in the event. Each participant and visitor is responsible for their own belongings and behaviors. Individuals that cause damage during the event, will be held liable by the organization.
B.3. The organization cannot be held liable for ending or temporarily suspending the event during calamities such as a thunderstorm.
C.1. The organization expects everyone that participates in or visits the event, to treat one another with respect and to represent rugby to the outside world in a positive way.
C.2. Participants will respect each other’s property. In case of theft or damage to goods, the organization will file a police report. Additional actions can be taken by the organization of the event.
C.3. Attendees will keep the area clean by depositing any garbage in the designated bins and ensuring that toilets and sanitary facilities are kept clean.
C.4. Everyone needs to comply with the instructions coming from the organization and security during the event.
C.5. In case of aggression or any form of deviating behavior, the organization is entitled to remove the people involved (or have them removed) from the property and to refuse further participation in the tournament.
C.6. Is’s strictly forbidden to use, own, sell or trade, either hard or soft drugs, on the complex. In case of violation, the organization is authorized to remove (or have removed) the persons involved from the event. Persons involved will be denied participation in the event.
C.7. It is forbidden to bring alcohol or narcotics into the stadium, during the event. In the catering facilities, it’s not allowed to eat or drink any food or drinks brought into the stadium by yourself, for the entire duration of the tournament. The organization is entitled to confiscate all alcohol brought into the complex. The organization is entitled to check for alcohol or narcotics when people enter the complex.
C.8. The age limit for drinking alcohol is in line with the country’s legislation. People might be asked to show a proof of identity.
C.9. In case of alcohol abuse, the organization is authorized to remove (or have removed) the persons involved from the event.
C.10. Doping Authorities can carry out an official doping test. If this happens, the organization will not be part of it, as it is done by an independent organism.
D.1. In case of calamities due to poor weather conditions, the instructions from the organization need to be followed. Safety above all else. Participants and visitors to the event need to comply with the safety regulations as they apply in the stadium.
D.2. The organization will ensure the presence of medical personnel (First Aid) in the stadium.
E.1. The registration form needs to be filled out completely and truthfully. This includes registering under the correct age category.
E.2. The registration form and entry fee must be submitted according to each tournament’s announced date. Registration is only finalized when the required payment (if it applies) is received by the organization. If payment is not received in time, participation to the tournament can be denied.
E.3. The organization reserves the right to charge an amount for administration and organization costs. In case of too many registrations, the chronological order of registration and associated payment is leading.
E.4. Changes to the registration form can only be done via (written) consultation with the organization.
E.5. A registered team consists of 15 people, of which 12 are players. The names must be in the organization's possession 14 days before the start of the tournament. Minor adjustments can be made before the first matches.
E.6. Youth teams competing on Youth Cups are supervised by at least one person aged 18 or older, that will be present during the entire event.
E.7. Participants and supervisors need to have a valid proof of identity. Without said valid proof of identity, access to the stadium be denied.
E.8. Participants must be in possession of a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The organization can not be held responsible shall be liable for the costs arising therefrom if a participant/coach it does not carry or is not valid. For all terms and conditions check with your own health insurance company. In addition, it is advisable especially for international participants to purchase a travel insurance that, among other things, provides additional coverage for medical expenses. Particularly for participants without a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). However, this is the participants' own responsibility and not that of the organization.
E.9. The registered team can only compete in the age category under which they registered. Only the organization is able to approve a change of age category. Age Dispensation in the youth teams is possible in consultation with the organization and the referee. Only they can approve a request (in advance).
E.10. The organization is able to cater for dietary wishes or allergies, when providing meals if ordered in advance. These wishes and allergies need to be reported on paper to the organization, at least one week before the start of the event.
F.1. Team consists of a maximum of 12 players. Players are on the list of participants of the team that are registered with the EBRA, under the registration form.
F.2. The list consists of a maximum of 25 players who play exclusively for this team during the European circuit in the year of participation.
F.3. When registering several teams, there must be a difference by means of a different name or a number (e.g. beachteam 1 and beachteam 2) and it is not permitted to change players between teams. The teams participate separately in the EBRA Series and scores and the like are not combined for the final position EBRA circuit.
F.4. All illegal matters such as yellow, red cards are registered and can be discussed with the EBRA. The EBRA ultimately determines what the consequences are.
F.5. Rule for preliminary trial and to be used during a tournament if desired. If evaluated positively, it will be implemented by 2025.
Before the match, a team should report complaints about the opponent (e.g. other players in the team than in previous matches, and so on) to the referee. The referee can then determine in consultation with the teams and/or head referee and/or match secretary if the complaint is valid and what any consequences are. After the game, this is limited with a maximum duration of 10 minutes.
G.1. Actual registration fee amounts can be found on each tournament’s site. This fee might vary for each event.
G.2. If payment of the entry fee is not made 30 days before the start date of the event, participation to the for the concerned team will be denied.
G.3. When cancelling participation within 30 days before the start date, the possibility to claim a refund will lapse. In case of earlier cancellation, the organization will refund a pre-determined maximum amount for senior teams and youth teams.
G.4. In case the tournament needs to be cancelled due to circumstances outside of the control of the organization, it will not be possible to refund the registration fee.
H.1. The matches will be played over the days previously announced by the organization. Therefore, the organization reserves the right to make changes or additions within the tournament, without stating reasons, in case they feel this is required due to circumstances. The organization aims to inform parties as soon as possible of said changes.
H.2. The organization needs to be informed of participants that are injured during the tournament or are forced to leave the due to other reasons.
I.1. Every match played at the events covered by EBRA are under the official rules of it. Don’t hesitate to check or ask about this rules on site.
I.2. The team manager needs to report to the match organization, at least 40 minutes before the start of the tournament and of the match days (depending on the pairings), to provide additional information.
I.3. The team manager will receive from the organization for possible meals vouchers and event tickets.
J.1. The participants and attendees agree to the possible use of their image in print, on photos, film, video, TV, internet and such, for publicity purposes or for promotional purposes, at the behest of the event and the EBRA. The event or association will not owe them any remuneration, in whatever shape or form.
A.1. It is not allowed to compete with two teams in the same competition during the Masters final. Two teams with different names from one club are also not allowed to participate in the Master Final.
A.2. Two teams from the same club playing in the Ebra Series may combine them into ONE team of 12 players for participation in the Masters final.
A.3. Participation in the Master Final is excluded for official National Teams.A.4. Teams wishing to compete in the Master Final must have played a minimum of TWO tournaments with our EBRA members.
B.1. The winner Champion EBRA Series is the team that has the most points over THREE tournaments among the different EBRA members. If multiple tournaments have been played, the best results will be included.
B.2. If teams finish equal, the results of matches between them will be considered, then number of tries and so on.
C.1. The ranking in the EBRA Series determines the participation in the following year's Master Final.
C.2. The following participating teams may compete in the Master Final:
The winners of EBRA Series’ tournaments (excluding aspiring members). If this team is not participating or is already qualified, the second-place team has this right and so on.
Official National Championship winners of EBRA Series’ tournaments who are recognised by a National Rugby Union.
Should any teams unexpectedly withdraw, the organisation reserves the right to give a Wild Card to a team to compete in the Master Final.
D.1. Only officially invited teams can compete in the Master Final. This is done on behalf of the EBRA by the organizing member of the Master Final.
D.2. The registration needs to be filled out completely and truthfully.
D.3. The registration for participation must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the start date of the Master Final. This is also the final date for payment of the entry fee.
D.4. Registration is only finalized when the required payment is received by the member who organises the Master Final. When payment is not received in time, participation to the Master Final can be denied.
D.5. The registration fee is 300 euros per team. In case of no show and/or cancellation within 4 weeks before the Master Final, there is no right to a refund of the registration fee.
1.1. The playing area must have the following measurements:
Total Length: 31 meters (including both team in-goal areas of 3 meters each)
Total Width: 25 meters.
1.2. It must be a safe surface and made of sand.
1.3. The lines on the playing enclosure are made of tape, rope, string or inflatable surroundings and include:
● The dead ball lines and touch-in-goal lines which are outside the field of play (where ingoal areas apply
● The goal lines which are within the in-goal areas but outside the field of play
● The touch lines which are outside the field of play
2.1. The ball used in the game shall be a n° 4 size and must conform to the World Rugby Laws.
3.1. The teams consist of 12 players where 5 are ‘in-field’ players and 7 substitutes are admitted and substitutional during match stoppages without any need to call for the referee’s permission.
3.2. Substitutes may enter the field from the halfway line and they may exit from whatever position.
3.3. As soon as the referee becomes aware that a team has more than 5 players on the field, he may disallow any action that has taken place in the meantime, unless the opponent team have gained an advantage.
Ex. 1: a try is scored and the defending team has 6 players on the field: the score stands.
Ex. 2: a try is scored and the attacking team has 6 players on the field: the try is disallowed and sanctioned by rewarding the defending team a free kick at the halfway line
4.1. A player wears a jersey and shorts that are tear resistant, if necessary socks can be worn but no hard materials are allowed on the feet.
4.2. A player must not wear any item that is banned in accordance with World Rugby Law 4.
4.3. Players may not wear footwear unless approved by match organizers. In special circumstances, and at their discretion, match organizers may permit footwear, providing such items do not have studs.
4.4. The referee has power to decide at any time, before or during the match, that part of a player’s clothing is dangerous or illegal. If the referee decides that clothing is dangerous or illegal the referee must order the player to remove it. The player must not take part in the match until the items are changed or removed.
5.1. A match consists of two halves of 5 minutes with a maximum of a 3 minute break or interval.
5.2. During the break or interval the teams, the referee and the assistant referees remain in the playing area.
5.3. The referee keeps the time but may delegate the duty to either or both the assistant referees and/or the official time-keeper if appointed.
5.4. Time lost to injury: The referee may stop play for not more than one minute so that an injured player can be treated, or for any other permitted delay. The referee may allow play to continue while a medically trained person treats an injured player at the touchline. If a player is seriously injured and needs to be removed from the field of play, the referee has the discretion to allow the necessary time to have the injured player removed from the field of play.
5.5 Making up time lost: Any playing time lost is made up in the same half of the match.
5.6. Playing extra time: A match may last more than ten minutes if the match organizer has authorized the playing of extra time and established the duration of extra time to take place following a drawn match.
5.7. Referee’s right to end a match: The referee has the authority to end a match at any time when believing further play would be dangerous.
5.8. When time expires: Play ceases when the ball next becomes dead. If time expires and a free kick is then awarded, the referee allows play to continue until the next time the ball becomes dead.
5.9. Only the captain may report to the referee to ask for explanations or mention serious infringements such as the opponents having 6 players on the field.
6.1. Referees should wear a referee shirt provided by the tournament, a short, a watch and whistle. If needed medical socks are allowed. No sunglasses are allowed while refereeing.
6.2.If the ball touches the referee, play restarts with a free kick for the team in possession of the ball before the ball touched the referee.
6.3. Every match is under the control of match officials who consist at least of the referee and possibly two assistant referees. Additional persons, as authorized by the match organizers may include the reserve referee and/or reserve assistant referee and/or a timekeeper.
6.4. Toss. The tournament organization can decide if per game a toss occurs for the kick off, alternatively it can be decided that the team that is first on the game sheet kicks off and receiving team decides the side.
6.5. The referee may consult with assistant referees in regard to matters relating to their duties, the Law relating to foul play, or timekeeping.
6.6. If a player is injured and continuation of play would be dangerous, the referee must blow the whistle immediately.
6.7. If the referee stops play because a player is injured but there has been no infringement and the ball has not been made dead, play restarts with a free kick to the team last in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the last attacking team is awarded the free kick.
6.8. In case of applying the 2 second rule referees call it out the following way:
1- one thousand
2- one thousand
This methodology comes close to true 2 seconds and warns players to play the ball.
6.9. It is expected from the match organizer to check that all referees participating are in possession of the certificate of World Rugby Match Officiating Level 2 for Senior games.
6.10. For Junior games the World Rugby Match Officiating Level 1 is required.
6.11. Referees have a primary goal to safeguard players health and safety.
7.1. A match is (re-)started by a free kick, or uncontested punt. After the start, any player who is inside may take the ball and run with it. Any player may throw it. Any player may give the ball to another player. Any player may tackle, hold or push an opponent holding the ball. Any player may fall on the ball. Any player may ground the ball in-goal. Whatever a player does must be in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Sanction: Free kick
7.2. It is not allowed to kick the ball in open play. Sanction: Free kick
7.3. Players on the ground without the ball are deemed to be out of the game and must:
● Allow opponents who are not on the ground to play or gain possession of the ball.
● Not play the ball.
● Not tackle or attempt to tackle an opponent.
Sanction: free kick. In case of repeated infringement players may be suspended for two minutes (yellow card)
7.4. Should an event occur which is not covered by these Laws, play restarts with a free kick to the team last in possession of the ball. If neither team was in possession, the attacking team is awarded a free kick.
7.5. In case a match ends in a draw, an additional limitless period will be played under the sudden death rule, i.e. the fist scoring team is the winner.
7.6. In case some teams rank with the same score during qualification rounds, the team with the highest number of tries scored will qualify; in case parity should persist, the lowest number of tries against will qualify, if still in case parity should persist, the winner of the match between the two teams will qualify. If still no decision possible, team captains will do a toss.
8.1. The advantage Law precedes most other Laws to promote continuity. When a team infringes the Laws and opponents have an opportunity to gain an advantage, the referee delays blowing the whistle until determining whether or not an advantage is gained.
8.2. In case of dangerous play advantage will not be applied as players safety should precede.
9.1. Try. A try is awarded when a player is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ In-goal. Value: 1 point
9.2. Penalty try. If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded. Value: 1 point
10.1. Foul play is anything a person does within the playing enclosure that is against the letter and spirit of the Laws of the Game. It includes obstruction, unfair play, repeated infringements, dangerous play, handing off a player above the shoulders and misconduct which is prejudicial to the game.
Sanction: Free kick at the place of infringement
10.2. All players must respect the authority of the referee. They must not dispute the referee’s
decisions. They must stop playing at once when the referee blows the whistle except at starts
and restarts. The captain is the only player who can make a comment to the referee.
Sanction: Free kick at the place of infringement or where play would next commence.
Sanctions for infringements of foul play
Any player who infringes the foul play Law must be:
● reprimanded, or
● cautioned and temporarily suspended for a period of two minutes playing time (yellow
card), or
● sent off (red card)
A player who has been cautioned and temporarily suspended (yellow card) who then commits a
second cautionable offence must be sent-off (red card).
In case a player has been sent off, the tournament management can decide on the duration a
player can’t participate in the tournament.
11.1. In general play a player is offside when ahead of a teammate who is carrying the ball or ahead of a teammate who last played it.
11.2. During or after a tackle a defending player is offside if he is in front of the ball. A defending player is considered onside if he comes through the gate or once the tackle has finished is starting from behind the ball.
11.3. An offside player is temporarily out of the game, and liable to sanction if taking part in the game.
11.4. This player should move back behind the ball before being able to participate.
Sanction: Free kick
12.1. It is a knock-on when a player, in tackling or attempting to tackle an opponent, makes contact with the ball and the ball goes forward or if the ball carrier drops the ball forward.
Sanction: free kick at the referee’s mark (if the ball goes into touch, the non-offending team may opt for a free kick at the point the ball went into touch.)
12.2. A player must not intentionally knock the ball forward with hand or arm.
Sanction: free kick, the offending player will receive a 2 minute suspension (Yellow Card). In case the intentional knock has prevented a try, a penalty try is rewarded.
12.3. A throw forward may occur anywhere in the playing area. Sanction: free kick.
13.1. The kick off of both halves will take place with a place kick, place kick is taken from the middle of the half-way line. Kick needs to go further than 5 meters or can be received within the 5 meters by the receiving team. Sanction: a free kick is awarded to the receiving team on the middle of the half-way line.
13.2. Receiving teams need to be at least 5 meters from the halfway line. sanction: free kick
13.3. A place kick needs to remain in the field of play.
sanction : Free kick on the halfway line
13.4. If the ball is kicked into the in-goal or over the goal line without having been touched or been touched by a player, the opposing team has two choices: to ground the ball, or to play on.
13.5. If the opposing team grounds the ball that team is awarded a free kick at the centre of the halfway line.
13.6. Restart kicks after scoring a try will take place with a free kick on the half-way line.
13.7. In both cases the ball needs to clearly leave the hands of the kicker. sanction: free kick
14.1. This situation occurs when the ball is available on the ground and a player goes to ground to gather the ball.
14.2. The player must immediately do one of three things:
● get up with the ball
● pass it
● release it.
Sanction: Free kick
14.3. What a player must not do:
● A player must not lie on, over, dive to or near the ball to prevent opponents from getting possession of it.
● A player must not intentionally fall on or over a player with the ball who is lying on the ground.
● A player must not intentionally fall on or over players lying on the ground with the ball between them or near them.
● A player on the ground must not tackle an opponent or attempt to tackle an opponent.
Sanction: Free kick
15.1. A tackle occurs when the ball carrier is held and brought to ground by one or more opponents.
15.2. Being brought to ground means that the ball carrier is lying, sitting or has at least one knee on the ground or on another player who is on the ground.
15.3. Being held means that a tackler must continue holding the ball carrier with clearly both arms wrapped until the ball carrier is on the ground.
15.4. After a tackle occurs the tackler and assistant tacklers (player who held the ball carrier while going to ground) need to release the ball carrier. After releasing they are allowed to attack the ball after showing a clear release (hand above your shoulders).
15.5. Ball carrier needs to place or play the ball immediately (2-seconds) after being tackled.
Sanction: free kick
15.6. Attacking on the ball means one attempt to pick-up the ball after the tackle. Players need to try to remain on their feet, diving for the ball is deemed to be dangerous.
Sanction: free kick
15.7. Any player who wants to attack the ball should remain on their feet and supporting their own body weight (shoulder above hips) and no hands on the ground and is behind the ball. They should grab the ball and immediately commence play.
Sanction: free kick
15.8. Any player that wants to attack the ball needs to come from their own side and through the tackle gate.
Sanction: free kick
15.9. When the ball carrier is held up by the opponent, from that point, he must release the ball within 2 seconds by playing it.
Sanction: free kick
Rucks do not exist in Beach Fives Rugby. In case a ball becomes unplayable, the 2 seconds rule
Mauls do not exist in Beach Fives Rugby. In case a ball becomes unplayable the 2 seconds rule applies.
The mark does not exist in Beach Fives Rugby.
19.1. There are no lineouts in Beach Fives Rugby. The ball is in touch when it is not being carried by a player and it touches the touchline or anything or anyone on or beyond the touchline.
19.2. The ball is in touch when the ball carrier (or the ball) touches the touchline or the ground beyond the touchline.
19.3. The place where the ball carrier (or the ball) touched or crossed the touchline is where it went into touch.
19.4. When the ball is in touch the referee awards a free kick to the team who did not carry or put the ball into touch.
There are no scrums in Beach Fives Rugby. See Law 12 for further explanations
21.1. Free kicks should be taken without delay (5 seconds).
21.2. A free kick is taken by releasing the ball from the hands and touching the leg between the knee and foot, but not on the knee. If touched on the knee the sanction is a free kick for the opponent.
12.3. Free kicks are taken within on or behind the referee’s mark or in case of in touch behind the or on the mark where the ball left the field but not further than 1 meter in field from the touch line.
12.4. The distance of the defending team from the ball for free kicks or kick-offs shall be 5 meters. sanction: extra 5-meter free kick. On repeated infringement players can be suspended for 2 minutes (yellow card). Opponents can only commence once the kicker has tapped the ball.
12.5. Free kicks closer than 5 meters to the goal line need to start at a distance of 5 meters from the goal line.
22.1. When an attacking player carries the ball into in-goal or over the goal line that player has three seconds to score a try. sanction: A free kick is awarded to the opposing team 5 meters from the goal line.
22.2. When an attacking player scores a try that player must leave the ball at the place where the try has been scored. sanction: A free kick from the centre of the half-way line is awarded to the opposing team and the offending player will be cautioned and can receive a yellow card after repetitive occurrence.
22.3. After scoring a try, the defending team will restart the game with a free kick on the half-way line.
22.4. It can only be taken directly if the ball is carried to the half-way line. The ball can not be passed or kicked to the half-way line, in that case restart can only happen once the opponent is in position to play.
23.1. As a repetition, the 2 seconds law is vital in the Beach 5’s game, once players are being stopped the ball must be played within 2 seconds once the referee starts counting (1-one-thousand - 2 one thousand). If the ball is not being released to the ground or to a player the defending team is awarded with a free kick.
The Beach Rugby Fives is officially recognized by Rugby Europe and World Rugby.